BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:2-day Hands-On Oral Surgery Course 28th & 29th June 2025 UID:125 DESCRIPTION:2-day hands-On Oral Surgery Course. Presented by Mr Tamer Theodossy - Consultant Oral SurgeonSaturday 28th & Sunday 29th June 202513 Hours verifiable CPD (CDPA approved course)Day 1 runs from 9AM to 6PM\n\nDay 2 runs from 9AM to 4PM.\n\nPlaces are limited to 8 participants\n\nCourse Synopsis: \n\nThis 2-day intensive masterclass is aimed at general dental practitioners interested in enhancing their surgical skills and improving their confidence to allow them to tackle cases, that would have been referred elsewhere to be treated.\n\nThe main focus is on the hands-on component using custom-made models incorporated into a state of the art facility using phantom heads to mimic real-life patients. Delegates will be using water-cooled handpieces similar to what is used in practice. NO animal heads are used on the course.\n\n \n\nCourse Aims:\n\n1. Augment and enhance understanding of basic oral surgery skills and complications encountered during surgery and how to deal with them.\n\n2. Discuss anatomy and morphology of teeth and adjacent anatomical structures and how to approach each extraction.\n\n3. Discuss consent issues in Oral Surgery.\n\n4. Understand basic principles of flaps, their designs and when to use them.\n\n5. Understand different suturing techniques and when to use them.\n\n6. Assess different local anaesthetic techniques available.\n\n7. Assess different xray modalities available and how to interpret them.\n\n \n\nLearning Outcomes:\n\nAt the end of the course, participants will be able to:\n\n1. Identify complexity of cases and how to deal with them\n\n2. Carry out extractions of various teeth on the models surgically and non surgically including impacted lower wisdom teeth.\n\n3. Deal with the most common complications encountered during routine oral surgery and understand when to refer if required.\n\n4. Assess complex patient medical history and understand modifications needed for their treatment plan.\n\n5. Identify patients at risk of MRONJ and how to treat them.\n\n6. Identify the most suitable local anaesthetic technique to use and how to calculate the maximum dose.\n\n7. Raise different flaps on the models within the phantom head to imitate real patient scenarios.\n\n8. Choose the appropriate suturing technique and practice it on the models.\n\n9. Interpret different xrays and how that will affect the treatment plan.\n\n DTSTART:20250628T080000Z DTEND:20250629T150000Z LOCATION:Advanced Dentistry & Clinical Skills Centre, First Floor, 31 South Methven Street, Perth, Perthshire PH1 5PE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR