BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Principles of Endodontics 10th & 11th March 2025 UID:128 DESCRIPTION:    Principles of EndodonticsDr Ammar Al Hourani, Specialist EndodontistMonday 10th and Tuesday 11th March 2025CPDA approved 13 HoursCourse fee £795 \n\nThe Principles of Endodontics aims to guide you through everystep of the journey from access cavity, to obturation. Let us walk you through the steps to predictable, reproducible, and successful endodontic treatment, with tips and tricks you can utilise in everyday general practice.\n\nThe programme will cover\n\ndiagnosis and pre-endodontic assessment/case complexityAccess cavity designMechanical prep Obturation techniquePost and coresConsent, record keeping, post treatment management and pain management in endodontics.  \n\n DTSTART:20250310T090000Z DTEND:20250311T170000Z LOCATION:Advanced Dentistry & Clinical Skills Centre, First Floor, 31 South Methven Street, Perth, Perthshire PH1 5PE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR