BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-/-/EN BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Management of Tooth Wear 17th May 2025 UID:133 DESCRIPTION:Management of Tooth WearSaturday 17th May 2025 9.30am-5.00pm  Lunch will be provided\n\nPresented by George Cherukara BDS, MClinDent (Prosthodontics), PhD, CILT, PGCAP, MFDS RCPS (Glasg), FDS (RestDent) RCPS (Glasg), FDT FEd, FHEA Senior Clinical lecturer & Honorary Consultant in Restorative Dentistry, University of Dundee. George completed his specialist training in Restorative Dentistry at Barts & The London, Queen Mary’s University of London in 2012. He was the Associate Director for Clinical Sciences at the Institute of Dentistry, University of Aberdeen until 2021. In 2022, he took up the Directorship of MDSc Prosthodontics at the Dundee Dental School, University of Dundee. He set up the DClinDent Prosthodontics programme at Dundee in 2024.  He is on the GDC Specialist List for Endodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry. George maintains private specialist practice at Aberdeen, Dundee and at London. A lecture addressing the aetiology and consequences of tooth wear, preventive and interventive treatment strategies to manage tooth wear.Hands-on course on restoring localized anterior tooth wear using direct resin composite restorationsAims:\n\n1. To discuss aetiology, consequences, history taking and examination of the patient with tooth wear\n\n2. To discuss the preventive management of tooth surface loss\n\n3. To discuss the restorative management of patients with tooth wear\n\nLearning Outcomes:\n\n1. Be aware of the complexities involved in history taking and examination of a patient with tooth surface loss\n\n2. Be able to institute preventive management of tooth surface loss\n\n3. Be able to plan and execute restorative management of patients with tooth surface loss\n\nGDC Outcomes A&C\n\n DTSTART:20250517T083000Z DTEND:20250517T160000Z LOCATION:Advanced Dentistry & Clinical Skills Centre, First Floor, 31 South Methven Street, Perth, Perthshire PH1 5PE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR