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Students Visit the Advanced Dentistry & Clinical Skills Centre

We welcomed Aberdeen students to study with the latest digital technology.

Students from the Aberdeen Institute of Dentistry were given the opportunity to visit Clyde Munro's exclusive Advanced Dentistry & Clinical Skills Centre. During their time at the Centre, the students were taken on a tour by Dino Loizides, Dentist at Clyde Munro, who showcased some of the cutting-edge technology and tools that are used in modern dentistry. Among the tour’s highlights was the Primescan, an intra-oral scanner that allows for precise, accurate and fast intra-oral scanning. 

This visit was not only a great learning experience for the students but also a testament to the importance that Clyde Munro places on continuous learning and professional development in the dental industry.

Ross McGowan, President of the society and BDS3 student, said: “It was a great experience! Good to see that Clyde Munro is investing in digital technology for dentistry because I think that’s going to be the way forward. My favourite part of the day was getting to use the scanners, I’ve never had hands-on experience with these before.”

The visit was an excellent opportunity for the students to see first-hand the kind of training and development opportunities that are available at Clyde Munro. By experiencing the Primescan and other cutting-edge technologies, they were able to see how these tools can be used to provide better care for patients. Additionally, they were able to see how the Advanced Dentistry & Clinical Skills Centre can help to advance their careers by providing access to world-leading trainers and advanced training programs here in Scotland.

Ian MacMillan, BDS3 student, said: “I really enjoyed my visit to the Clyde Munro training centre. As a student, it was great to get hands-on experience with treatment and diagnostic techniques not yet commonly used within the dental school setting. The support, welcome and advice offered by the whole dental team at the training centre was brilliant and allowed me to relax and enjoy the day.”

One of the key benefits of the Advanced Dentistry & Clinical Skills Centre is that it allows clinicians and registered dental nurses at Clyde Munro to extend their duties, enhance their confidence, and broaden their knowledge in the industry. This kind of training is essential for ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. As the dental industry continues to evolve, it's important that clinicians and dental nurses stay up-to-date with the latest techniques and technologies.

To find out more about the courses on offer, please get in touch:

Students Visit the Advanced Dentistry & Clinical Skills Centre